CCA was created by AMCA in November 2020. It is an educational and scientific organisation of qualified physicians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the promotion, protection and support of cannabis for medical use.
CCA is proudly focused on three main areas of interest: Education, Advocacy and Community.
1. Providing scientifically based education for health care practitioners:
As a not-for-profit organisation, our interest is in providing robust knowledge to HCPs to enable them to provide the best care possible for patients in need. Our education platform,, provides a comprehensive course through a number of modules on the endocannabinoid system and medicinal cannabis that is RACGP- accredited. The content is continually expanded and updated by the CCA Steering Committee.
Teach-Hub modules and viewing of the UIC 2023 symposium presentation recordings are available free-of-charge to AMCA and CCA members.
CCA will be playing an active part in the 2025 UIC Symposium, by providing a Training Day for HCPs, in addition to contributing to sessions in the general symposium. For more information on the symposium, go to
2. Advocating on behalf of patients and their healthcare practitioners:
There remain many areas still needing change in the medicinal cannabis sector, including driving restrictions that are imbalanced when compared to those set for opioids, benzodiazepines and other narcotics. We believe it is highly unfair for patients to be unable to drive with even a trace of legally prescribed THC in their blood, even if it improves their cognitive function.
Veterans are also in need of improved access to medicinal cannabis, with DVA currently funding medicinal cannabis for e.g. chronic pain but not post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), despite growing evidence for that indication. CCA put together a submission to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides to support funding for all appropriate indications and will continue to prioritise access for veterans.
3. Building an active community of like-minded individuals:
CCA will provide regular meetings for its members comprising guest speakers, journal clubs and case discussions. All members are encouraged to participate and, if they wish, contribute or lead.
Membership of CCA is complimentary through AMCA membership and all healthcare practitioners are welcome.
The Australian Cannabis Nurses Association was established by the Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association during the inaugural Australian Medicinal Cannabis Awareness Week in February 2023.
ACNA provides a forum for nurses and nurse practitioners committed to awareness, advocacy and compassion with endocannabinoid therapies.
Membership is complimentary through membership of AMCA and all nurses and nurse practitioners are welcome to join.
ACNA membership also provides free of charge access to all of the content of our education platform, including all education modules and viewing of the UIC 2023 symposium presentation recordings.
The Australian Cannabis Pharmacists Association was created by the Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association in October 2023 to provide a forum for pharmacists interested in medicinal cannabis to meet, advocate, educate support each other.
ACPA is a forum for pharmacists dedicated to foster collaboration, support, education and advocacy for each other and our medicinal cannabis patients.
Membership of ACPA is complimentary to pharmacy members of AMCA. ACPA membership includes complimentary access to modules on our education site,, and free-of-charge viewing of the UIC 2023 symposium presentation recordings.

Australian Cannabis Cultivators was established by AMCA in November 2023 to advocate for locel (Australian) growers and to ensure their voices are heard.
The group is for cannabis growers and researchers committed to improving product quality and production efficiencies whilst building a strong brand for Australian-grown cannabis.
The sub-association aims to support Australian growers to better compete in an industry flooded with imported cannabis.
ACC offers education through monthly webinars and guest speakers and peer-to-peer learning.
Membership of ACC is complimentary through AMCA membership for appropriate personnel. ACC members can also view recordings from the UIC 2023 symposium presentations free of charge through our eductaion platform,

Australian Cannabis Manufacturers was eastablished by AMCA in March 2024 to represent the interests of Australian medicinal cannabis manufacturers.
ACM provides a hands-on forum for individuals to discuss and promote best practice, equipment and machinery options, and important issues affecting manufacture under the current regulatory framework.
ACM is open to domestic manufacturers as well as those importing bulk medicinal cannabis flower which is manufactured locally into finished products for supply to patients.
Membership is complimentary for relevant AMCA members, who may also enjoy access to view the recordings of the UIC 2023 symposium presentations through our education platform.
Our Sub-Associations
Supporting our specialty members across Australia
Membership is complimentary for relevant AMCA speciality members